Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Continuing Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Results - Morning Update

Updated: AP now has Kloppenburg in the lead by 140 votes, my count at 369 votes.

Well, the AP has added all of the precincts from Ashland county and most from Milwaukee county, leaving Prosser with a lead of 419 votes. They show Crawford as still not 100% reporting, but as was stated last night, all precincts from Crawford appear to be counted. Two precincts from Milwaukee, one precinct from Dane county, two from Dunn (which gives 229 votes to Kloppenburg according to their website), and 8 from Sauk county remain to be counted from Kloppenburg favoring counties. Jefferson and Talyor have been Prosser favoring counties and have 1 unreported precinct each. Also, one precinct from Juneau is now unreported, Juneau being a Kloppenburg favoring county.

So, by my count, Prosser has a lead of 190 votes, and I'll still call the election for Kloppenburg.

Update: (9:46am) AP just updated their numbers to a Kloppenburg lead of 140 votes! They still aren't including the +229 Kloppenburg votes in Dunn county. So that puts Kloppenburg ahead by 369 votes. The update appears to be from Sauk county which is now fully reporting. This leaves 2 precincts from Milwaukee county, 1 from Dane, and 1 from Juneau county, all counties favoring Kloppenburg. While only 2 precincts from Prosser favoring counties remain uncounted.

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